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How to Keep Your WordPress Website Secure

A graphic showing a tilted view of a lock with disconnected circles radiating out from it, and binary overlayed
Keep WordPress Up to Date

With each new version of WordPress comes security improvements and bug fixes. It is important to update WordPress regularly because if you are on an outdated version hackers will be aware of the security flaws on your website.

Host Your Website with a Trusted Company

According to Sunny HQ, “41% of hacking attempts are caused by a security vulnerability on a hosting platform”. That is why it is important to have a hosting company that has good security. At Saltech Systems we keep your information safe and secure from nearly any disaster.

Check Out Our Hosting Services! →

Install a Firewall

Installing a firewall onto your website is just as important as having one on your computer. Installing a firewall onto your WordPress website protects it from hackers, viruses, and malware.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

Information you send over the internet such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers are passed from computer to computer to get to the server. If you do not have an SSL on your website then each computer from the user to the server can see that information. Having an SSL certificate protects against identity thieves and hackers because it encrypts that information.

We make sure all of our websites have an SSL certificate so that your website is secure, which in turn will make you rank higher on Google.