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AI & Business Content: What You Need to Know

woman using laptop with futuristic glass screen Blog Title: AI and Business content: what you need to know

In the new world of artificial intelligence (AI), many business owners are wondering where the line is for their company. The big overall question is: Should I use AI to write my business content? The answer is not quite so simple either. AI content has both pros and cons, and we are here to let you know what it could mean for your business. Consider reading this blog before you use AI to write content for your website, social media marketing or digital advertising campaigns.

Many believe that AI is the immediate solution they, as business owners, need because it “saves time”. Yet, AI does have drawbacks that you should understand before using it for your company. AI could end up costing you time, money, and your brand’s image if used incorrectly.

What AI can be used for:

Brainstorming and idea generation

AI is a great tool for brainstorming business content ideas. AI is able to generate ideas a lot faster than most humans. This is great for boosting creativity and getting your brain to produce ideas. AI can come up with captions, blog ideas, keywords, and content ideas that you can alter to best fit your business.

Create outlines and generic plans

Bad at planning? AI can help with that. AI is fully capable of creating a schedule, plan, or outline of content or a project. This is a useful tool for people who struggle with where to start projects and need help deciding what to do.

Proofread drafts

AI tools have the ability to proofread and edit content for you rather than another human. You might already use tools like this, such as Grammarly or another grammar checker site. These tools can help fix typos, grammar errors, and incoherent sentences quickly. This is convenient and effective, as AI is able to catch mistakes other humans could miss in a lot less time. You can also use AI to check for plagiarism from other AI programs. This is useful as a quick copy and paste can spot plagiarized content and the source it comes from.

What AI cannot do:

Generate creative ideas

Creativity cannot be replicated. AI pulls from content that has already been produced and cannot be “creative” itself. AI cannot tell or create a story like humans can, and it isn’t able to draw on the human experience when producing content. This limits the uniqueness of what AI can produce and dictates why AI business content can sound so “familiar”.

Replicate or predict human emotion

AI cannot capture real understanding or emotion. So, it’s important for any business-related sensitive or controversial topics, that someone who has real context with human emotions write it. This also limits AI in terms of marketing, as it cannot predict how an audience will feel or if they will relate to a given idea.

Capture a singular voice or message

AI pulls from sources already published by millions of people. The AI “voice” is robotic, not your brand. When producing business content, it’s important that your “voice” is unique and your messaging is consistent. AI business content, when created, needs to be revised to match other business content you have produced, using terminology relevant to your brand and phrases your customers will understand. Your customers will notice a dramatic change in tone or messaging.

Beat Google’s Search Algorithm

Website content needs to be valuable and relevant to your audience. If you are using AI just to create content to have content, this will end up hurting your company more than helping it. Google can detect content created to try to game the algorithm and will punish your site’s ranking for it. Repetitive, not useful, content is not benefiting your customers or brand’s image either. A genuine search engine optimization strategy is needed to truly beat the Google Algorithm.

Be used unedited

AI is a great tool, but it is not foolproof. AI can produce nice-sounding content, but it may not be accurate. It’s important, especially when it comes to your business, to double-check any AI-provided resources. Using inaccurate information in a blog post or website copy puts your company at risk. AI can also reuse phrases or specific words, requiring a person who understands that repetitiveness is not engaging to make sense of the content. AI, if used, always needs to be edited to sound like a human wrote it and make sure it makes sense to your desired audience.

In general, AI is a great and innovative tool. But it is in no way a “solution” to all business problems. AI, when used correctly, can help you save time, get your brain moving, and give you a guide along the way. But it’s important to remember that AI isn’t human, and your audience can tell.

If you’re looking for creative and unique content to elevate your business, AI for business content is not necessarily the best option. Hiring a content writer from a Digital Marketing agency who understands your audience, knows how to work the search engine, and can write one-of-a-kind, engaging content is a better bet.