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Do you need to hire a PPC manager?

So, you’re ready to start your first PPC advertising campaign. 

Pay-per-click advertising is a great choice to grow your brand fast and get guaranteed results. But, proceed with caution. Common PPC advertising platforms are complex. If you’re not familiar with important best practices you run the risk of wasting your money completely. 

PPC management services put your advertising efforts in the hands of professionals. This blog gives you a good idea if you need to hire a PPC manager. 

What is PPC advertising?

PPC advertising or pay-per-click advertising is a common form of digital advertising. It is most commonly found on social media sites and search engines. In fact, Google and Facebook ads provide the best ROI for PPC advertising. 

PPC advertising is affordable, accessible and provides fast results guaranteed. Unlike other forms of digital marketing like social media marketing or search engine optimization, PPC advertising doesn’t take time to provide significant impact. Businesses can get ad impressions and website visitors immediately. 

What does a PPC manager do?

PPC advertising platforms are easy to get started with. Google and Facebook make launching an ad campaign a simple process. However, without understanding the finer details of the system, your ad campaigns can do horribly wrong. 

That’s where a professional PPC manager comes in. PPC managers understand how the advertising systems work and have experience in optimizing campaigns like yours.

PPC managers will monitor your success rates, optimize your account structure and make sure your budget is well spent. PPC advertising platforms allow your business to set up A/B tests to determine which messages, ad copy or landing page works best for you. 

PPC managers understand innovative bidding strategies that use advanced technology to improve ad performance. PPC managers will optimize your ads for the bidding algorithm to get more results at a cheaper cost. Conversion tracking code can be used to bring your ads to customers more likely to convert. 

PPC managers can also set up effective strategies such as retargeting to get more conversions for your advertising spend. 

Overall, small business owners and entrepreneurs often get in over their heads when creating their first PPC advertising campaign. At the end of the day, it is more cost-effective to hire a professional PPC manager to avoid wasting ad dollars and keep your business successful. 

Signs you need a PPC manager: 

So, does your business need a PPC manager? Well, if you’re running any ads online it is highly recommended. The more your business is spending the more you might want to consider some expert advice. 

Below are some tell-tale signs you should hire a PPC manager: 

1. You’re guessing if an ad was successful

Some business owners just guess if their ad campaign was successful. You might be able to notice more foot traffic or sales in your business. But if you’re not tracking the specific response for each of your advertisements then your business might be wasting money. 

PPC managers will provide detailed reports and inform your business about the response to your ads. It’s the PPC manager’s job to react to this information in real-time and get your ads to make a positive impact. 

2. You’re not seeing immediate return

PPC advertising typically provides a 2:1 return on ad spend ratio. Depending on industry advertising rates and competition, return on investment for digital advertising can be very high.

If you’re not seeing an immediate return on your PPC advertising then a PPC manager will be able to make improvements to get your ads to more customers. 

3.  You can’t do consistent maintenance

PPC advertising requires consistent maintenance to be as successful as possible. Monitoring results and adapting to customer behavior can be a time consuming and overwhelming task. If you don’t have time to write new ad copy, monitor engagement rates, read detailed reports or research new keywords then you can’t get your ad campaigns as successful as possible. 

A PPC manager will take over the sometimes time-consuming and overwhelming task of ongoing maintenance and you can rest assured your ads are in good hands.