Web Design Project: Glac Seat Bistro Furniture

full page screenshot from the glac seat bistro web design project


  • Retail & E-Commerce

Services Provided

  • Web Design
  • Website Hosting

About the Project

Project Brief: Glac Seat Inc. is a leading provider of commercial seating to the hospitality and restaurant industries offering a wide selection of indoor and outdoor restaurant furniture including rattan chairs and tables. Glac Seat’s owners were ready to update their site and make it more user friendly.
Our Solution: Saltech updated this website and included a ‘French’ theme and color palette to help convey their brand’s sense of elegancy. Saltech was also able to bring their custom weave creator to their new website to allow customers to create their own chair patterns and colors. A refreshed navigation also makes things much easier for site visitors to find what they are looking for.
laptop phone and tablet screenshot from the Glac Seat Bistro Furniture website design project.
Our work speaks for itself

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