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Small Business Websites: Myths and Misconceptions

Blog Post: Small Business Websites - Myths and Misconceptions

What comes to mind when you think of a small business website? Does your perception match up with reality?

We specialize in designing, marketing and maintaining websites for small and medium-sized businesses and we’re here to clear up any myths or misconceptions you may have about small business websites.

The website is the digital home of your business and in a world turning to digital tools more and more, the website is important. 

Keep reading If you’re on the fence about creating a website for a small business. Our Iowa web design agency might be able to exceed your expectations. 

‘Professional websites are just for big corporations’

Common misconception number one is that a professional website is just not attainable for small business owners. 

Many small business owners don’t have the time or technical knowledge to start a website design project. For them, the website is a lofty goal they just aren’t going to achieve. 

However, partnering with the right web design agency is an inexpensive and easy way to create a website fast. Our web design team  will give your small business access to web design experts and branding experts. Using color, typography, photos and more, they will make your small business stand out with a professional digital brand.

Not to mention, we can complete a web design project tailored to your budget. 

‘A website won’t provide value’

The concern that a website won’t provide value is not uncommon. And we understand that your small business needs to see a return on investment. 

However, it is a misconception that a website is just window dressing. Modern customers are finding information, products and services online through social media and search engines. A great website is the first step to send these consumers your message. A website with proper search engine optimization (SEO), will help you find customer that are actively searching for your product.

Another piece of value your website can provide is increased brand perception for your small business. When your users see your website online it will help your brand when it comes time for them to make a purchase decision. 

Also, the website can provide some functionality for your operation. Create a place for submitting forms or add a new channel for selling your products with a new website design.


Don’t allow myths, misconceptions and perceptions about small business websites slow your business down. 

A website is a great tool to grow your business now and for the future. Before you decide if a new website is right for your business, remember the common misconceptions you might have. 

Visit to learn more about how we can provide your business value and continue to exceed your expectations.